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- ...simple.
- There are some people who do
call it that, but that's just because they have never
read this manual, poor things.
- ...chapter.
- If you happen to be reading a version that
has a chapter on backups, that is.
- ...work
- A comparison between the xia and ext2
filesystems, the device list and a description of the
ext2 filesystem. These aren't part of the book any
- ...Rhyme
- The author
wishes to remain anonymous. It was posted to the
LDP mailing list by Matt Welsh.
- ...system
- In fact, it is often mistakenly considered to be the
operating system itself, but it is not. An operating system
provides many more services than a plain kernel.
- ...these
- Well, at least
there can be many. Network bandwidth still being a scarce
resource, there is still some practical upper limit to the
number of concurrent logins via one network connection.
- ...printer.
- Instead,
they form a new queue at the printer, waiting for their
printouts, since no one ever seems to be able to get the queue
software to know exactly when anyone's printout is really finished.
This is a great boost to intra-office social relations.
- ...platters,
- The platters are made of
a hard substance, e.g., aluminium, which gives the hard disk its
- ...BIOS
- The BIOS is some built-in software
stored on ROM chips. It takes care, among other things, of the
initial stages of booting.
- ...track
- The numbers are
completely imaginary.
- ...disk
- That is, the surface inside the disk, on the
metal disk inside the plastic coating.
- ...similar
- But completely
different, of course.
- ...primary
- Illogical?
- ...everyone.
- It requires several seconds of hard
thinking on the users' behalf.
- ...magic.
- For more
information, see the kernel source or the Kernel Hackers'
- ...NAME="1651">
- It should of course be
unmount , but the n mysteriously disappeared in
the 70's, and hasn't been seen since. Please return it to Bell
Labs, NJ, if you find it.
- ...disk.
- Sic transit discus mundi.
- ...anyway.
- Thus quite needlessly
annoying a number of computer scientists something horrible.
- ...2 GB.
- A gigabyte here, a gigabyte there, pretty soon
we start talking about real memory.
- ...disk
- Except a RAM disk, for obvious
- ...loaded
- On early computers, it wasn't enough
to merely turn on the computer, you had to manually load the
operating system as well. These new-fangled thing-a-ma-jigs do
it all by themselves.
- ...right,
- This is called
the power on self test, or POST for short.
- ...NAME="2155">
- sync flushes the buffer cache.
- ...graphs.
- init itself is not allowed
to die. You can't kill init even with SIGKILL.
- ...signal;
- Using the command
kill -HUP 1 as root, for example
- ...terminal.
- Different versions
of getty are run differently. Consult your manual page-and
make sure it is the correct manual page.
- ...emergency.
- Kernel
command line arguments can be given via LILO, for example. See
section 7.5.
- ...location.
- Or to start nethack .
- ...tasks,
- It probably shouldn't be used for playing
nethack .
- ...it.
- Good Linux distributions do this out
of the box.
- ...microcomputers.
- It might be quite embarrassing
if my sister could read my love letters.
- ...password.
- Yes, this means
that the password file has all the information about a
user except his password. The wonder of development.
- ...accounts
- Surreal users?
- ...alias.
- The
user's name might change due to marriage, for example, and
he might want to have his username reflect his new name.
- ...work.
- But they can be so fun, if you're
- ...disasters.
- The fifth reason is ``something else''.
- ...work.
- Don't laugh. This has happened to several people.
- ...work.
- Been there, done that...
- ...reinstalled,
- You get
to decide what's easy. Some people consider installing from
dozens of floppies easy.
- ...drive.
- If a tape
drive doesn't data fast enough, it has to stop; this makes backups
even slower, and can be bad for the tape and the drive.
- ...round,
- According to
recent research.
- ...time.
- Beware of the time command, which does
not show the current time.
Lars Wirzenius
Sat Nov 15 02:32:11 EET 1997