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To convert a number in decimal base to base a representation, we can use the following division:

Ma = [...][((srqp div a) div a) % a][(srqp div a) % a][srqp % a]

where each [] represents a digit in the new number.

This equation is schematically presented in Chapter 5, Basic Declarations and Expressions.

The decimal number 33010, will be converted to octal notation as follows:

M8 = [(330 div 8) div 8) % 8][(330 div 8) % 8][330 % 8] = [5][1][2] = 5128

Note that the parentheses are not necessary due to operator precedence rules.

The last accumulated element of the equation is the one containing the expression [z % a] where z is smaller than the base, a.

We know now the whole conversion process, so we can represent a number of any base in any other base. If the calculations are not completely clear, you should read them over again and try to use the equations to convert numbers of your choice. Reading the actual function in the script will probably make it clearer.

If the user chooses to create a base conversion table, the user is prompted to enter the highest (last) decimal number in the table, which is also equal to the number of rows + 1 (0 is included). Each value in the table is independently calculated, according to the base conversion methods explained above.

The Script


<TITLE>Base converter</TITLE>

<!-- hiding content from old browsers

// Simulate the "power of" (^) operator

function power(op1, op2) {
var result = 1
for (var i = 1; i <= op2; i++) {
  result *= op1
return result

// Simulate the div (integral division)
// operator

function div(op1, op2) {
return Math.round(op1 / op2 – op1 % op2 / op2)

// Returns a digit (maximum hexadecimal)
// based on its decimal value

function getDigit(val) {
if (val == 10) return "A"
if (val == 11) return "B"
if (val == 12) return "C"
if (val == 13) return "D"
if (val == 14) return "E"
if (val == 15) return "F"
return val
// the return statement terminates the function,
// so there is no need for else statements

// Returns the decimal value of a digit
// (maximum hexadecimal)

function getValue(dig) {
if (dig == "A") return 10
if (dig == "B") return 11
if (dig == "C") return 12
if (dig == "D") return 13
if (dig == "E") return 14
if (dig == "F") return 15
return dig
// the return statement terminates the function,
// so there is no need for else statements

// Convert from decimal to specified base

function toBase(num, base) {
var newNum = (num == 0) ? "0" : ""
while (num >= 1) {
 newNum = getDigit(num % base) + newNum
 num = div(num, base)
return newNum

// Convert from specified base to decimal

function toDec(num, base) {
if (base == 8)
  return parseInt("0" + num)
if (base == 16)
  return parseInt("0x" + num)
num = "" + num // convert to string by casting
var numLength = num.length
// the length property returns the length of a string
var newNum = 0 // initialization
// (must be 0 so the sum is not affected)
var curDigit = ""
var contributedValueValue = 0
for (var i = numLength – 1; i >= 0; --i) {
  curDigit = num.charAt(i)
  contributedValue = getValue(curDigit)
  contributedValue *= power(base, numLength – (i + 1))
  newNum += parseInt(contributedValue)
 return newNum

// Main function that accepts input and
// calls appropriate functions
function convert(num, base1, base2) {
 if (typeof num == "string")
num = num.toUpperCase()
 if (base1 == base2)
return num
 if (base1 == 10)
return toBase(num, base2)
 if (base2 == 10)
return toDec(num, base1)
 return toBase(toDec(num, base1), base2)

// Create a conversion table

function drawTable(lastNum) {
with (document) {
 lastNum = parseInt(lastNum)
 write("<TABLE BORDER=3>")
 COLOR=purple SIZE=+4>")
 write("Base Converter</FONT></CENTER></TD></TR>")
 for (var k = 2; k <= 16; k = k + 2) {
   write("<TD><CENTER> Base " + k + "
 for (var i = 0; i <= lastNum; ++i) {
   for (var j = 2; j <= 16; j = j + 2) {
write("<TD>" + toBase(i, j) + "</TD>")

// Gets table's input

function getTableAttributes() {
var message = "Enter last number to be converted in the table"
var lastNum = parseInt(prompt(message, 15))
if (lastNum != 0)
// Convert individual numbers, until the
// user selects cancel on the first
// prompt of the loop
function calcNum() {
while(1) {
 var number = prompt("Enter a number in any base:", 0)
 if (number == null)
 var base1 = prompt("Enter its base:", 10)
 if (base1 == null)
 base1 = parseInt(base1)
 var base2 = prompt("Enter the desired base:", 16)
 if (base2 == null)
 base2 = parseInt(base2)
 var outputString = number + " (base " + base1 + ") = "
 outputString += convert(number, base1, base2)
 outputString += " (base " + base2 + ")"

// Ask user for conversion device
// (T-table, I-individual values)

function mainInput() {
 var message = "Enter (T) to create a table or (V) to "
 message += "calculate a value"
 var chosenDevice = prompt(message, "T")
 if (chosenDevice == "T" || chosenDevice == "t")
   if (chosenDevice == "V" || chosenDevice == "v")
// end hiding content -->

Example 10-2. A base converter.

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