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Chapter 12
Building and Extending Objects

Creating Instances

Objects are templates by which you create instances. For example, suppose you have defined an employee object that includes some methods and properties of an employee, such as his or her social security number and address. This definition has no effect on the script, because no new entity has been changed or created. Only when you apply the object’s definition to a specific person, say John Doe, is a new entity created—an instance of that object. The number of instances you create with a single object definition is unlimited. The object definition can be either one you define with a function, or a built-in one. Creating an instance of a built-in object is relatively simple because the object is predefined. As you will see later, you can extend an existing object by adding new properties and methods to it.

You should use the following syntax to create an instance:

var name = new constructorFunction([arguments])

So, if you want to create an instance of the String object, you can use the following statement:

var str1 = new String("Hello!")

This statement creates an instance named str1. You can create another instance if you like:

var str2 = new String("Hi!")

The instances str1 and str2 act similarly to regular variables. You can pass them on to functions as in:

function printValue(val) {
  document.write("*** " + val + " ***")

You can also return objects:

function printValue(obj) {
  return obj

Remember that if you create an instance of an object inside a function, it is considered local, i.e., it is visible only inside the function during the function’s current execution course. If you declare the instance outside a function, it is preferable that you use the var keyword. When you create an instance of an object inside a function without var, it is a global structure. Bear in mind that if you create a global instance, or even a simple variable inside a function, you must execute the function before that global data structure exists in the script. From that point on you can refer to it freely anywhere in the document.

When you create an instance of an object via the new operator, you are actually declaring a specific data structure according to the object’s definition. All properties referenced in the constructor function are accessible as properties of the object’s instance.

Note that object definitions (constructor functions) do not take up any memory, because they are abstract units. However, instances are data structures so they do require some RAM space, depending on their exact structure and data.

After you have created an instance of an object, you do not have to use the keyword new anymore when referring to that instance. However, if you want one of the instance’s properties to be an instance of its own, you must use new again to create the new object.

An instance of an object also features its methods. Each instance has a reference to the function playing the role of that method. You do not have to worry about this, because when you refer to the instance’s method, you only specify the name of that method. The reference is already defined in the constructor function, so it invokes the corresponding function.

Take a look at the following example:

var current = new Date() // the current date
var minutes = current.getMinutes()
var current2 = new Date() // the current date
var minutes2 = current2.getMinutes()

As you can see, both instances have methods. A method belongs to a specific instance but not to the general object. Sometimes two different instances of the same object do not have the same methods and properties. This happens when the constructor function includes a conditional statement to determine which methods should be applied to the current instance being defined, or when a single instance of an object is modified afterwards.

Note:  An object is an abstract definition, whereas an instance is a data structure defined according to an object. Therefore the term “object” differs from “instance.” However, instances are commonly referred to as objects. It should be very clear where the term “object” refers to an instance. In this book we often refer to instances as objects, so do not be confused.

Constructor Functions

As you learned earlier, JavaScript supports functions that build custom objects. In order to create such functions you must know how to define properties and methods. A constructor function is a simple function that defines the properties and methods of the relevant object type. You can think of built-in objects as objects whose constructor functions are predefined in JavaScript, so you do not need to write them on your own.

A constructor function resembles a cookie cutter. You provide it some dough and it gives the dough the proper shape. The cookie cutter is like the constructor function because they both receive a simple structure and change it according to a specified template.

Defining Object Properties

The keyword this is probably the most important word related to objects in JavaScript. It refers to the current object, or instance. Inside a constructor function it refers to the instance for which the function was called. Take a look at the following function:

function student(name, age, avgGrade) { = name
  this.age = age
  this.grade = avgGrade

This function accepts three arguments. It defines an object type of a student in a class. The properties are name, age, and grade, and they are initialized by the values passed on to the function. You can use the following statement to create an instance of this object—a student in a class:

var student1 = new student("Sharon", 16, 85)

Figure 12-1.  A simple message built according to the properties of the object.

Now you can refer to these properties in the following fashion:

alert( + " is a cute " + student1.age + " - year old.)

It is also possible to add properties to an object once it has been created. Such properties exist only in the specific instance to which they are assigned. The following script segment demonstrates this:

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