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In a multiple-frame window, all frames act like full-fledged window objects. The frames property plays an important role when a statement in one frame must access an object or property located in a different frame.

The frames property is an array that reflects all direct children of a given window object. The property window.frames.length reflects the number of direct children from the point of view of that window object.

The browser stores information about all visible frames in an indexed array, where the first frame is stored in index 0:


Since you should never deeply nest frames using several frame-setting documents, the frames array should usually be referenced as parent.frames or top.frames. Suppose you have a window divided into three frames. You can access the title of the second frame from a script in the first frame as parent.frames[1].document.title.

You can also access frames by their names. You can use the following syntax to retrieve (from any frame) the background color of a document in a frame named myFrame:


You can also refer to the frames array as an associative array, in the following fashion:


Consider a window divided into three frames, all defined in a single frameset. The hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 26-8.

Figure 26-8.  The complete object hierarchy of a frameset window that defines three frames.

You can use Figure 26-8 to trace the following references in this structure:

parent // references A from a, A from b, or A from c
parent.frames[0] // references a from b, a from c
parent.frames[1] // references b from a, b from c
parent.frames[2] // references c from a, c from b
frames[0] // references a from A
frames[1] // references b from A
frames[2] // references c from A

An Example—the Color Center

The Color Center is a JavaScript application that enables the user to test a variety of colors in order to find the best configurations for his or her Web site. There are five distinct attributes that play a role in this tool:

  • bgcolor—the background color
  • link—the color of standard links
  • alink—the color of active links
  • vlink—the color of visited links
  • text—the color of plain text

The Color Center is compatible with both IE and Navigator. It is divided into three frames, as shown in Figure 26-9. The upper frame includes the red, green, and blue text fields which display the RGB values of the current color. It also features a menu enabling the user to select the attribute (one of five) that he or she wants to customize. A Save button stores the settings in a cookie, and a Load button retrieves them from the cookie.

The left frame displays the Color Cube—a complete set of 216 non-dithering colors. It is almost identical to Example 21-1 (in Chapter 21, The document Object—Colors, Output, and Properties). The user can select a color from the Color Cube and assign it to the attribute selected in the upper frame.

Figure 26-9.  The Color Center is divided into three frames with invisible borders.

The right frame is the most simple one. Its initial document does not contain any data besides the basic HTML tags. Its content is generated by document.write() statements, executed in the parent frame-setting document.

The Frame-setting window

Example 26-2 shows the frame-setting document.

<TITLE>Color Center</TITLE>

// Boolean variable specified if alert should be displayed if
cookie exceeds 4KB
var caution = false
// name - name of the cookie
// value - value of the cookie
// [expires] - expiration date of the cookie (defaults to end of
current session)
// [path] - path for which the cookie is valid (defaults to path of
calling document)
// [domain] - domain for which the cookie is valid (defaults to domain
of calling document)
// [secure] - Boolean value indicating if the cookie transmission
requires a secure transmission
// * an argument defaults when it is assigned null as a placeholder
// * a null placeholder is not required for trailing omitted arguments
function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {
 var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) +
  ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") +
  ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
  ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
  ((secure) ? "; secure" : "")
 if (!caution || (name + "=" + escape(value)).length <= 4000)
  document.cookie = curCookie
  if (confirm("Cookie exceeds 4KB and will be cut!"))
   document.cookie = curCookie

// name - name of the desired cookie
// * return string containing value of specified cookie or null if
cookie does not exist
function getCookie(name) {
 var prefix = name + "="
 var cookieStartIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(prefix)
 if (cookieStartIndex == –1)
  return null
 var cookieEndIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(";", cookieStartIndex
+ prefix.length)
 if (cookieEndIndex == –1)
  cookieEndIndex = document.cookie.length
 return unescape(document.cookie.substring(cookieStartIndex
+ prefix.length, cookieEndIndex))
// name - name of the cookie
// [path] - path of the cookie (must be same as path used to
create cookie)
// [domain] - domain of the cookie (must be same as domain used to
create cookie)
// * path and domain default if assigned null or omitted if no explicit
argument proceeds
function deleteCookie(name, path, domain) {
 if (getCookie(name)) {
  document.cookie = name + "=" +
  ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
  ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
  "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"

// date - any instance of the Date object
// * you should hand all instances of the Date object to this function
for "repairs"
// * this function is taken from Chapter 14, Time and Date in JavaScript,
in "Learn Advanced JavaScript Programming"
function fixDate(date) {
 var base = new Date(0)
 var skew = base.getTime()
 if (skew > 0)
  date.setTime(date.getTime() – skew)

// updates the R, G, and B text fields (invoked as a method)
function display() {
 frames[0].document.forms[0].red.value = this.r
 frames[0].document.forms[0].green.value = this.g
 frames[0].document.forms[0].blue.value = this.b
// constructs an attribute
function makeAttribute(r, g, b) {
 this.r = r + ""
 this.g = g + ""
 this.b = b + ""
 this.display = display

// create instances for all attributes
var link = new makeAttribute("00", "00", "00") // black
var alink = new makeAttribute("00", "00", "00") // black
var vlink = new makeAttribute("00", "00", "00") // black
var text = new makeAttribute("00", "00", "00") // black
var bgcolor = new makeAttribute("FF", "FF", "FF") // white

// invoked when user selects a color from swatches
function select(r, g, b) {
 // assign string reflecting selected attribute ("text", "bgcolor", etc.)
 var attribute = curAttribute()

 // assign new descriptors
 eval(attribute).r = r
 eval(attribute).g = g
 eval(attribute).b = b

 // display new descriptors in R, G, and B text fields

 // update main frame

// return string reflecting selected attribute ("text", "bgcolor", etc.)
function curAttribute() {
 var list = frames[0].document.forms[0].attribute
 return list.options[list.selectedIndex].value

// returns <BODY> tag (excluding ">" and "<") reflecting all selections
function bodyDefinition() {
 var str = 'BODY '
 str += 'BGCOLOR="#' + bgcolor.r + bgcolor.g + bgcolor.b + '" '
 str += 'LINK="#' + link.r + link.g + link.b + '" '
 str += 'ALINK="#' + alink.r + alink.g + alink.b + '" '
 str += 'VLINK="#' + vlink.r + vlink.g + vlink.b + '" '
 str += 'TEXT="#' + text.r + text.g + text.b + '"'
 return str

// update main window
function update() {
 var bodyDef = bodyDefinition()
 var result = ""
 result += '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Main</TITLE></HEAD>'
 result += '<' + bodyDef + '>'
 result += '<CENTER>'
 result += 'Text <B>Text</B><HR WIDTH=50%>'
 result += '<FONT COLOR="#' + link.r + link.g + link.b + '">
Link<B>Link</B><HR WIDTH=50%></FONT>'
 result += '<FONT COLOR="#' + alink.r + alink.g + alink.b + '">
Alink<B>Alink</B><HR WIDTH=50%></FONT>'
 result += '<FONT COLOR="#' + vlink.r + vlink.g + vlink.b + '">
Vlink<B>Vlink</B><HR WIDTH=50%></FONT>'
 result += '<BR><FONT SIZE=2><' + bodyDef + '></FONT>'
 result += '</CENTER></BODY></HTML>'

 // assign document object of main frame to local variable
 var doc = frames[2].document

 // close data stream to document

 // open new data stream to document (text/html)'text/html')

 // print HTML content

 // close data stream to document

// stores all selections as a cookie
function save() {
 var slot = link.r + link.g + link.b +
alink.r + alink.g + alink.b +
vlink.r + vlink.g + vlink.b +
text.r + text.g + text.b +
bgcolor.r + bgcolor.g + bgcolor.b
 var now = new Date()
 now.setTime(now.getTime() + 31 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // one month
 setCookie("slot", slot, now)

// load values from cookie (concatenation order in save() matters!)
function load() {
 var slot = getCookie("slot")
 if (slot != null) {
  link.r = slot.substring(0, 2)
  link.g = slot.substring(2, 4)
  link.b = slot.substring(4, 6)
  alink.r = slot.substring(6, 8)
  alink.g = slot.substring(8, 10)
  alink.b = slot.substring(10, 12)
  vlink.r = slot.substring(12, 14)
  vlink.g = slot.substring(14, 16)
  vlink.b = slot.substring(16, 18)
  text.r = slot.substring(18, 20)
  text.g = slot.substring(20, 22)
  text.b = slot.substring(22, 24)
  bgcolor.r = slot.substring(24, 26)
  bgcolor.g = slot.substring(26, 28)
  bgcolor.b = slot.substring(28, 30)

// -->
 ROWS="50, *"
  COLS="80, *"
<NOFRAMES>Please download a frames-capable browser!</NOFRAMES>

Example 26-2 (ex26-2.htm). The frame-setting document serves as a “control center,” because it contains most of the scripts that connect between the other frames.

The first portion of the script in Example 26-2 consists of a complete set of cookie functions, which are not repeated here. This chapter focuses on functions which are specific to the Color Center application.

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